Piano Amore presents...

Improvising At The Piano
Incorporate that "bluesy" feel into your solos... and more!

Dave's Homespun Series

Whatever songs you like to play, if improvisation is your game, this session will get you to produce!

Dave, your coachWelcome! Dave here... so many site members have an interest in both playing blues and 
improvising, in general, that I thought I would put together an improvisation session which focuses
on a few scales that you absolutely must familiarize yourself with if you are to make those 
solos be as tasteful as they can be.. and I thought I would do this in the context of the Blues! 
It's okay even if  playing blues piano is not your primary goal because you'll use these strategies
in your other favorite songs for sure! For example, you've just played through a chorus of
Georgia On My Mind and you want to dazzle 'em with a blues-influenced solo. Or you're playing
a ballad like Misty and you want to add that extra "spark" to either your improvisation or some of those fills. 

 Although it's not essential that you follow along with the blues form, you may want to acquaint yourself
with it. We play within the context of the 12 Bar Blues in the key of C Major (if not, just visit that link), so,
beginners... you can start putting this information to work for you right away. Beginners will be able to extract
some wealth from this session and, naturally, more advanced players are likely to want to transpose
these concepts to different keys for added value. We'll be placing emphasis on:

The Blues Scale
The Pentatonic Scale
The Mixolydian Scale
The BeBop Scale

But, wait! We do not approach scales in a traditional fashion here! Instead, we extract the value
from what scales have to offer us... truly, a "trade secret" of the pros!

Whether blues is a primary interest of yours or you are simply open to learning more about improvisation,
I hope you will consider joining me for this one. This session will serve as the perfect compliment to
Blues Piano Chord Voicings: An Introduction since, in that session we place our attention on
what we can do with that left hand... here, the right hand gets some treatment, so the two
sessions combined are a nice way to pull things together a bit for us.

Audio Animation Video makes learning EASY!
Click here for a few short excerpts
(a new window will open)
Audio Animation Video makes learning EASY!

Half Hour Video

(video is approximately 30 minutes in duration)

A main incentive for providing this presentation is to provide you with enough "food for thought"
so that you can start inventing your very own tasty improvisations at that piano or keyboard
or yours. Rather than a "do it like this" type of demonstration, you have here more of a
"consider this and try this and watch what happens" type of approach as we take things
in little "bites 'n chews" since this results in originality. But there's plenty of "here's how" segments
within this video session! I'm sure you'll be coming up with some original ideas that will be conducive
to an enhanced appreciation of your own personal potential for creativity.

If you have taken advantage of any of our other improvisation sessions, you'll definitely want this
one to add dimension to what you've learned so far!

"Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime."
    - Chinese Proverb

                                                                                         Cocktail Piano Secrets Revealed!


I hope you enjoy!








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