Make Your Piano Ballads Sing: “Two-Chord Structure” Strategy

Cocktail Piano Tips: Three Lead SheetsIs it really possible to present an entire ballad just using a couple of easy chord voicing strategies? It certainly is possible. You see, it’s not the quantity of techniques that you use but how you use them that makes the difference between an arrangement that sounds “amateur” and one that sounds “pro.”

I actually created a video session that focuses on this concept. You’ll see how these very easy chord structures can be used in a variety of musical scenarios. During the session, I use a few short excerpts from well-known standard tunes to demonstrate how this really is possible.

The entire demonstration is done on the piano keyboard, so no sheet music examples are used. We get right down to applying these simple concepts. If you enjoy playing standard ballads and feel that those 7th chords are getting a little “stale,” this session just might offer you a nice opportunity to see those tunes in a new light.

Learn more and view a sample of this session here